The annual meeting is Saturday Jan 16 @7PM at the Greenwater community center. See you there.
1. Approval of 2015 Annual Meeting minutes
2. Water Manager’s report
a. System status
b. Cross Connection Plan implementation – Homeowner responsibility
c. Water Use Efficiency Plan progress
i. Meter installation progress
ii. Water conservation, homeowner responsibilities
iii. Detecting water leaks in homeowner’s water line
iv. Begin meter reading
3. Treasurer’s Report
a. Independent audit report
b. Current financial report
c. Discussion of lien protocols and misc. fee schedule
d. 2016 proposed budget
4. Reserve fund planning
a. Washington State Dept. of Health financial planning template
i. Operating and Emergency budget
ii. Reserve for capital items that will need to be replaced within the next 6 years.
iii. Reserve for capital items that will need replacement 10 years or more from now.
b. Funding plan s
5. Community communications
a. Newsletters / mailings
b. Blog / email notifications
c. Summer Picnic, select date
6. CVHA work parties
a. Need more volunteers or plan to contract out work
b. Dangerous tree removal, common area maintenance, grant search, independent audit, archiving, etc.
7. New Business
a. Discussion from the floor
b. Board member election
i. Call for nominations from the Floor, call for vote
ii Announce results and seat new Board members