CVHA 2013 Annual Meeting 
Jan 19th 7p
Greenwater Community Center
All homeowners are encouraged to attend

           Reading and approval of 2012 meeting minutes

       Treasurer’s Report

o  Independent audit results

o  Late dues, interest charges, and liens

       Water Manager’s report 

       Reading and approval of 2013 budget

       CVHA blog open to all:

       Status of tree removal on water system right-of-way

       2013 Quarterly Board Meetings will be in March,  June,  Sept,  Nov; check the blog for specific dates/times/locations

       Work party report- Thank you

       Work Party and Annual CVHA Community Picnic will be in August: check the blog for specific dates/times/locations

       Board Nominations and Election results



NOTE: Their will be a brief B.O.D meeting from 6p-6:15p.


Board Meeting Agenda


November 7, 2012 6-8 pm

Jeff Barth’s home 16804 Rainbow Lane E

Old Business

1. Reading and approval of September 2012 meeting minutes /All
2. Water line right-of-way, tree removal/trimming project: update/status /All
3. Board members/roles for 2013 /All

New Business

1. Water Manager’s report /Gary
2. Treasurer’s Report /Eileen
3. Pierce County Mitigation Plan info /Jeff
4. 2013 budget review /All
5. Annual Meeting preparation /All