I hope everyone is having a great start to summer.
The summer newsletter and water consumer confidence report have been added to the document library in the 2024 folder.
I hope everyone is having a great start to summer.
The summer newsletter and water consumer confidence report have been added to the document library in the 2024 folder.
If CVHA can get enough participation there can be a Fire-wise project in the Village’s. This project would be at individual homes to reduce fire risk around your home.
If interested please call James Moore at 253-720-2514. James is with the Pierce County Conservation District. Let him know you are from Crystal Village and let him know you are interested in participating. Or if you need more information James can answer any questions.
Thanks to homeowner Scott Rush who made the initial contact with James.
Gary Castellane; President for: CVHA Board of Directors.
CVHA is currently working with Pierce County Emergency Management to update our 2015 Hazard Mitigation Plan and produce a 2020-25 Edition.
Once updated and approved by FEMA, CVHA along with governments will be able to leverage emergency funding for damage.
Currently, CVHA may be affected by the following natural hazards: earthquake, landslide, volcanic, flood, severe weather, and WUI wildfire.
Our plan will identify mitigation measures we can implement to lessen the hazard impacts on our infrastructure (water system).
Part of the planning effort is community outreach for comments and other input.
Therefore, we have posted the current plan in the CVHA Docs for your review. You can also access the plan here: 2024 – Google Drive
Email cvhapres@gmail.com with any comments/questions.
CVHA Board of Directors
Thanks to all who attended our Annual Meeting on January 20th.
A copy of the PowerPoint, final budget, P&L, Balance Sheet and a draft of the minutes are including under CVHA Docs or click here: 2024 Annual Mtg – Google Drive
Temperatures have been hovering around 5 degrees at nights for some days and not rising above freezing. In addition, the power was out for some days. There have been two houses with frozen pipes reported.
If your house was unoccupied and does not have a standby generator for heating and did not have the water shut off and drained from the house you are at risk for damage when things thaw.
This message is cautionary only as no one can predict what may occur in individual homes.
Our water operator will be monitoring pump cycle times as thng’s thaw to see if usage indicates a leak being present.
Make any replies to cvhapres@gmail.com
CVHA Board of Directors
We might be short of snow, but we have plenty of documents for you to shred…I mean read!
All your 2024 annual info. is now live on the blog in our archives or simply click here: 2024 Annual Mtg – Google Drive
ANNUAL MEETING: The annual meeting will be held at the Greenwater Community Center on January 20, 2024, starting at 6:00 p.m. See you there.
On October 3, 2023 there will be a Water Use Restriction in effect from 7:00 A,M, to 5:00 P.M in Crystal Village. The restriction will be in place to perform preventative maintenance on our 60K gallon water storage tank. The tank will be off line during the maintenance period.
During the restriction period our small emergency pressure tank system will be keeping the water lines charged with pressure, this will greatly reduce the time it takes to activate our main tank system once cleaning is completed. The emergency pressure tank system can also supply a limited amount of water to CVHA. During the restriction time we request that you limit or curtail water use or use water only for drinking and toilet use.
Owners of rental properties should notify any guests of these restrictions.
There is a small possibility that we may have to curtail water service during this period so you may want to fill a 5 gallon bucket with emergency water and have other water available at your home during this period. CVHA Water Management will be doing everything possible to shorten the time restrictions are in place.
Direct any questions to cvhapres@gmail.com or call our Water Operator Chet Mowbray at 360-688-0910.
Thank you for you cooperation.
CVHA Board of Directors
The water tank cleaning project has been move to October 3, 2023. Any restrictions or curtailment of water use will be posted prior to that date. This date will be more convenient for the Contractor and CVHA water services.
Gary Castellane for CVHA Board of Directors.
Yes…it’s here! The CVHA summer newsletter, Water Use Efficiency Report (WUE), and Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) are playing at a theater near you and/or in the CVHA DOCS link on this blog.
Greenwater FIre, PCFD#26 will be hosting a Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast and WIldland FIre Preparedness Education Day at the Greenwater Community Center on May 29th from 9AM to Noon.
Topics will be:
–Residential Defensible Space.
–Notification and Evacuation
–Wildland Firefighting Equipment, Strategy and Tactics.
Donations to Greenwater Firefighters Association may be made in person or at https://gwfirefighters.org/